Prehistoric FlipperDontknowwhattodraw94 on DeviantArt

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Prehistoric Flipper



Decided to make one thing before school starts tomorrow. Getting kinda stressed about it. What am I? Twelve?

Squalodon was a prehistoric whale that's thought to belong somewhere between primitive whales like Basilosaurus and the later whales of the Odontoceti, where the killer whale is part of.
Squalodon is recognized by its long snout that holds different kinds of teeth: in the front they're long and sharp, the first even point forwards creating small "tusks". In the back you have incisors, sort of like Basilosaurus had. Such a non-specialised dentary suggests a non-specialised diet wich means they were probably opportunistic, eating basically everything they were able to catch. 
There are several species of Squalodon of which the largest, S. whitmorei, was about the size of a killer whale.
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AchillobatorPrince's avatar
I love it! But, how come there are no teeth visible on the upper jaw?