OFuthark sampleDonSimpson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/donsimpson/art/OFuthark-sample-42046364DonSimpson

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OFuthark sample



Sample of my computer font version of ~Dragonsmithy's wonderful and unique futhark.

The bottom part is the font itself, the top part is the font with some layer effects turned on in Photoshop CS2. The bevel effect makes them look like very wicked and dangerous bits of iron (well, they _already_ look wicked and dangerous, but it makes them look wicked and dangerous in 3-D :) ). (There's also an outer glow effect set to faint blue, and a red background seen through a transparent white layer).
Image size
505x870px 187.77 KB
© 2006 - 2025 DonSimpson
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MX-Futhark's avatar
Could I use your font for a work ? Dragonsmithy has already given his agreement. Thank you in advance.