Halloween Candy Box topDonSimpson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/donsimpson/art/Halloween-Candy-Box-top-102999601DonSimpson

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Halloween Candy Box top



This is part of the top of the cardboard box I use for holding Halloween trick-or-treat candy. It's decorated with "stamps" done in the vector graphics program Freehand.

The alphabet used, and the imaginary country in southern Europe that the stamps are from (The Federated Republic of Khorlia), were invented by a friend, the late Dave Fox. I made the computer font. These are 24-plotny air post special handling stamps. The fox (which is a character in the font) is a national emblem of Khorlia. About eight inches wide.

Could be considered fan art.

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I just found this and it's wonderful. I'm Elizabeth aka Vixen Fox, Dave's daughter. He would be thrilled.