DonSimpson's avatar


489 Deviations

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  • Oct 15, 1938
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

~~~ For several decades I made my living as a research and development technician (mostly electronic and mechanical, some computer gaming) while doing artwork when I could; now I get to be an artist. The art I used to do was mostly drawings and paintings done with India ink and colored inks, or strange creatures and machines made from various plastic materials. These days I mainly carve, what I mainly carve is jewelry, and what I mainly carve things from are natural materials of all sorts. I still do digital art, though, both vector and pixil based, including fonts for computer printing. What next? I'm mostly working on improving my carving, but I want to make some art using the machine tool and computer knowledge from my old "day job".

~~~ I do take commissions, and occasionally trade art. If you are interested, send me a note.

Current Residence: The Far West (or The Left Coast, some say)
Favourite genre of music: Filk (a tradition of the science-fiction community)
Operating System: Various, mostly Apple
Favourite cartoon character: Hobbes (as in Calvin and Hobbes)
Personal Quote: Be excellent to each other. And... Party on, dudes! (... Bill & Ted)

Favourite Visual Artist
Michael Wm. Kaluta
Favourite Movies
My Neighbor Totoro
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Freehand, Fontographer
Other Interests
art, science, science fiction & fantasy, centaurs, the Cthulhu mythos, computer fonts, steampunk


Ven-Dor the Merchandiser
At The Wicked Plants Show
~~~ Since it looks like people I send to DeviantArt wind up in the new “eclipse” version of the interface, I have been trying to make it work as well as the old “Classic Green” version, but it looks like that is not possible. The new version has smaller text, useless huge blocks of empty space, less accessible subgallery folders with their labels moved from the top to the bottom, no way to edit the biographical information, other information sections disappeared, a tedious and inefficient new system for arranging gallery items..... the damage goes on and on. It's sickening, but still better than coding it all myself, and I imagine that they will fix some of the bugs eventually. ~~~ The recent change of the DeviantArt logo from “da” to “Z” was bewildering, but didn't actually break things.
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November has been a busy month; I have got a lot of studio organizing done, but there is much more to do. I have a lot of pictures of new and old art to upload when times are more calm. Meanwhile, I wish you joy before, during, and after such of the many holidays of the next several weeks as you celebrate. :)
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~~~ The other night, as I was out walking, I got a phone call from a friend, letting me know that one of my songs, Ship of Stone*, had won this year's Pegasus Award for Best Classic Filk** Song. ~~~ Hard, dry winds had been shaking the trees so strongly that many had lost branches, and drifts of fallen autumn leaves were scuttling about; the hills were dark due to an emergency power shutdown, and the air was faintly smokey from wildfires near and far. It was very late; only occasional cars passed, and a few cyclists and skateboarders. In the darkness of one front yard, a deer that had snuck down from the hills was grazing, watching me wari...
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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I'm glad you saw it, i uploaded it mainly for you..

it's called Aseb (which means reeds/bamboo in Arabic not sure if it's the reason for the name just noting similarity) it's a later variation on the royal game of Ur that doesn't have the safe spaces dedicated to each player at the end of the path.


On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.

We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team.

This greeting was brought to you by @KoudelkaW

Thank you for the llama. :)

Thanks for the llama badge!

You make amazing metalwork, woodwork & jewelry accessories alongside interesting concept art. Its great to see one continue to showcase hand-made efforts in such a automated & trend-centeic era. Keep it up and Never Stop!