Hair and Horn Mutation - True KirinDonPurrleone on DeviantArt

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Boucle-Unicorn's avatar

Hair and Horn Mutation - True Kirin



~ Passable mane trait - 25% chance to pass onto offspring ~

The kingdom folk often speak of the Boucles of old, magical beasts that could speak and strode with the utmost elegance. The true kirin is said to have the most resemblance to an ancient, with their delicate curls and branched horn. It's a highly sought after mane in the Kingdom for mostly aesthetic reasons, but Kirins tend to be more vain and haughty than others so they are a handful to handle!
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2394x1660px 2.17 MB
© 2016 - 2025 DonPurrleone
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LupinHallow's avatar
Does the fluff here have to be present? Trying to create a rave pony and I’d like it to have a mowhawk and this Horn; trouble is I don’t want the fluff. Is that possible?