Hair Mutation - RapunzelDonPurrleone on DeviantArt

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Boucle-Unicorn's avatar

Hair Mutation - Rapunzel



~ Passable trait - 25% chance to pass onto offspring ~

The Rapunzel hair mutation is a most desirable trait in Boucle Unicorns. A unicorn with Rapunzel has extreme hair-growth in mane and tail, and the hair will have to be groomed daily - a demanding task for a Rapunzel owner. The mane and tail becomes very light and shiny, but also stronger than normal Boucle hair, and will withstand the more clumsy Rapunzels if they trip over their flowing hair-mass.
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2394x1660px 2.01 MB
© 2015 - 2025 DonPurrleone
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stvr-bites's avatar
o well,good thing we can put their hair up! lMAO

we dont want any hurt pones here ;n;