Hair Mutation - Lion's maneDonPurrleone on DeviantArt

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Boucle-Unicorn's avatar

Hair Mutation - Lion's mane



~ Passable trait - 25% chance to pass onto offspring ~

Lion's mane is a Boucle Unicorn mane mutation, one that has been with the breed since it was first discovered. The unicorn grows a thick, curly mane along the borders such as the example above shows. The mane will not deviate in looks between individuals, but may be groomed and cut as the owner sees fit. A popular trend is to cut the tail-hair to make it resemble a lion's tail.
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2394x1660px 2.07 MB
© 2015 - 2025 DonPurrleone
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LupinHallow's avatar
Is there a chance I can get a transparent png for for these lines? I’m designing an import i won :)