donnyjrmail-stock's avatar


14 Watchers337 Deviations
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  • Feb 21
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
I'm just an old nut! lol.

Current Residence: Omro, Wisconsin
Favourite genre of music: Classic rock
Operating System: Windows 7 RC
MP3 player of choice: I Tunes

Favourite Games
Zuma Deluxe
Other Interests
Fantasy, Fiction

Major Overhaul!

0 min read
I knew I was going to have to do this sometime and just kept putting it off and putting it off .... well ... YOU KNOW how it goes!!! lol Well tonight I got a message from a fellow deviant asking if they could use a pic from the "Stock" folder in the gallery of my "Creative Account" and I realized that the time had come. Uuuuugh! MAN I forgot what it's like to use the ftp server and submit a BUNCH of pix one right after another!!!!! LOL! I am only taking a break from that to write this journal (which I've been putting off too lol) and let my mind do SOMETHING OTHER than submit, submit, submit. lol. WHAT A CHORE!!!!!!!  I needed to update thi
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Hi all!  Sorry it took so long to put a new note up here but; I'VE BEEN BUSY! lol. I've had more problems since I started the trip home. lol. First off The bus broke down after we left Las Vegas which ended up making me 15 and a half hours later than when Greyhound said I was going to get here. Then my Unemployment checks got screwed up and I STILL haven't gotten that straightened out. CitiBank's website suggested using a U.S. Bank teller to get some cash in my pocket and their teller ate my card! I immediately went inside and complained til I got to speak with one of the managers and was told that it was their policy to keep any ATM card
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Hello EVERYONE!!! Well; It's time to hit the road and get back to the Midwest. My fmaily lives in Wisconsin and I'll be there for the "Hot" month of August. lol. I "JUST" got done purchasing my ticket! WHOOO HOOOO!!! Here's my schedule. -------------Trip to OSHKOSH, WI------------- 07/29/09 03:00pm ORB-0092 * Depart BAKERSFIELD, CA 07/29/09 08:30pm ORB-0092 * Arrive LAS VEGAS, NV 07/30/09 01:45am GLI-1302 * Depart LAS VEGAS, NV 07/30/09 05:05pm GLI-1302 * Arrive DENVER, CO 07/30/09 06:10pm BTW-1402 * Depart DENVER, CO 07/31/09 04:15pm BTW-1402 * Arrive CHICAGO, IL 07/31/09 04:55pm GLI-4722 * Depart CHICAGO, IL 07/31/09 09:10pm GLI
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Profile Comments 31

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Thank you for the fave! :heart:
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Thank you VERY MUCH!
Have a GREAT DAY!!!
Love ya.
:icononyaneese03plz::icononyaneese04plz: I know this seems like an odd sort of “thank you” cookie for the :+fav: on Santa, Baby [link] but I am all out of Christmas cookies and found a few of these left in the bottom of the cookie jar… I can't even remember what these vampire cookies were for! :confused:

Ah, well - I hope it will suffice until I can get out and buy more eggs and butter to make some sort of "New Year's" cookies or something (…sheesh, how embarrassing! :ohmygod:) I hope my baking In 2011 goes smoother than 2010 seems to be ending up! :O_o: Thanks anyway, Donny!
:iconasnowmanplz: ~Ellen
:iconyamichi03plz::iconyamichi04plz: …I am SO excited to bring you this cookie as a way to say "thanks" for the :+fav: on Pegicornitauress YamiChi [link] 'cause it's a chocolate chip cookie and it's covered in fudge! :drool:

:icondragondrivel: Can life get any better?? :iconcookienomplz: I think not!
~Ellen :iconcookieloveplz:
Oooooooooooooooo; Yummy!!!!!!!!!! That was goood!!!!! lol Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ellen!
It's good to see you back and running!!!!
Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!
Love ya; Donny
Thank you very much for the fav :D