The Joker's WilddonnaDomenitzo on DeviantArt

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donnaDomenitzo's avatar

The Joker's Wild

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In the corner of her mind, Diana’s true self wept, powerless to do anything but watch as her body and the other part of her mind continued to worship the Joker, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. The Amazon was no more; all that remained was the perfect servant, eager to please and obey.

The Joker’s laughter rang out once more, a sound of sheer, unadulterated victory, as he imagined the endless possibilities that lay ahead. And as Wonder Woman’s lips formed a smile of pure devotion, the last vestiges of her independence slipped further into the darkness, leaving only the willing, obedient creature that knelt before him.


How could this happen to the power Amazon Princess?... the rest of the story (and lots of pictures) over on my patreon page.

Donna's World | creating 3D Pinups, Illustrated Stories and Original Comics | Patreon

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