It's the RAVE timeDon-ko on DeviantArt

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It's the RAVE time



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I'm back to my pony-business! =D
The sixth request of 18. Idea was suggested by :iconyukescola:

"I'd like to see Twilight at some sort of rave(or alone in the picture if it's preferable to you) with a glowstick in her mouth, wearing the glasses in this picture: [link] and dancing."

Actually, this note Made me to wish to go on some Rave party coz I realized that I hadn't never been there. So I was a bit upset coz I saw nothing like this in recent future, but 2 weeks ago BAM, I saw a banner on the street announced the big Rave party at the end of the month.
So I participated, That was so great! I've wrote about it in my journal in fact. So now I have an inspiration and motivation to make this request! Enjoy! =D

Do you think I've overdone it? Are your eyes hurted?

MLP (Hasbro)
FiM by :iconfyre-flye:
Image size
600x600px 246.71 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Don-ko
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MicroGalaxies's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

This piece caught my eye IMMEDIATELY!

This reminds me of "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" from Glee.

The glowstick could be a little smaller,unless it's supposed to be big.
the stars at the top take away form the realistic part of the picture.
VinylScratch reminds me of my DJ mlp OC,and a bit of a few famous DJ's like the group Daft Punk and the famous DJ of Lady Gaga, DJ WhiteShadow.This must have taken AGES to do,i takes me back to a year ago July 14th, i went to a Lady Gaga concert,with the DJ,lights,and laser light show.

overall,if this art can make me have flashbacks of good times,you just won the jackpot.

I would LOVE to commission you for one with my mlp oc!

~Monster (a fellow VinylScratch fan.)