After 11 years of activity, our Paleoart folder is now full to capacity. I have closed this folder to submission attempts and have created a new folder for paleoart, Paleoart II, so please direct all artworks of prehistoric life to this folder and this folder only. Any paleoart submissions to the General Art folder will be declined without comment.
I have added a notice of this change to the rules on the main page, as well as to the description of the full folder (now renamed Paleoart I) to minimize possible misunderstandings.
Thank you to all of our members for continuing to make this group the biggest evolution-themed community on DeviantArt, 11 years and counting!
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Deviation Actions
New submission guideline announcement
Please note the addition of a new addition to our submission guidelines: from now on we are only accepting submissions that were created by the person submitting them, or that were uploaded with the creator's permission. A few examples of things not allowed under this new guideline: Renders of 3D models created by someone else. (However, original scenes that use someone else's models are acceptable, as long as the scene was created by the submitter.) Video game screenshots, unless the screenshot is showing an original scene that was created in the game, such as a reconstruction of a paleo scene or a model created in Minecraft. Images scann...
Our Book on Evolution: Signed Copies Available
Just over a year ago, your group admins—myself and :devAgahnim:—reached a major milestone in our long-term goal of evolution education and outreach, which served the basis for starting this group over 11 years ago. We published our first book! Published by Inkwater Press and titled God’s Word or Human Reason? , the book has been available on Amazon since January of last year.I am now offering direct purchases of signed, inscribed hardcovers that are personalized with a drawing of a bird or dinosaur of your choice. They are $40 (U.S. and Canada) or $50 (everywhere else), shipping included. Thanks to my excellent web developer friend, you...
Recently expired submissions: please resubmit!
Hi loyal Domain of Darwin followers,Over the past couple of weeks I have been shamefully neglectful of the group, and stupidly allowed a handful of submissions to expire. Unfortunately, it seems as though most of their notifications have disappeared from my inbox, so I cannot solicit them individually. Therefore, if you submitted something to the group in the past several weeks and it did not get accepted, please resubmit at your earliest convenience! Very sorry once again.
A Giant Raptor Straight Out of Hell Creek
For centuries, dinosaurs have captured the public’s imagination through their massive proportions and power, and their ancestral connection to birds has more recently brought a new fascination to paleontology. But when a newly discovered dinosaur is both huge and covered in feathers, it becomes the stuff of legend—a true dragon shaped by evolution instead of mythos.Meet Dakotaraptor steini , one of the largest “ raptor ” dinosaurs known to science. This 17-foot-long predator was described by Robert DePalma, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Palm Beach Museum of Natural History, and colleagues in last month’s Paleontological Contr...
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