Domain-of-Darwin's avatar


Evolutionists of DeviantArt
Years Ago
937 Members

Dinoshakespeare Macbeth by Agahnim, literature

Submission guidelines

1/30/14: Please read this!

The most basic rule for submissions here is that they need to be relevant to the subject of evolution.  However, we receive a lot of submissions where it's not easy to determine whether or not they're relevant enough, so we also have some more specific guidelines:

  • Paleoart (reconstructions of prehistoric creatures) is always acceptable, as long as it's reasonably accurate.

  • Fanart from dinosaur-themed fiction, such as Jurassic Park or Primal Rage, is sometimes acceptable.  Whether or not we'll accept it depends on whether it's accurate enough to be considered normal paleoart.

  • Speculative evolutionary scenarios (such as the evolution of an alien species) are acceptable, as long as enough emphasis is placed on the process by which they've evolved.

  • We'll accept submissions with either a pro-religious or anti-religious theme, as long as their focus is on evolution and/or anti-creationism.

  • Art of people who are important figures in the study of evolution is acceptable, as long as it focuses their work related to evolution more than their work in other areas.

  • There's no limit to how many total submissions a single user can have in the group, but users are limited to a maximum of five submissions per day.

  • We do not accept sketch submissions that have not been cleaned up in Photoshop or a similar program, and we also do not accept anything on lined notebook paper or graphing paper.

  • Please only submit artwork that you created yourself, or that you uploaded with the permission of the person who created it.

Group Admins





Group Members

A little over three years ago, Emily Willoughby and I released our book criticizing the creationist movement: God's Word or Human Reason?: An Inside Perspective on Creationism. Our book has received a good amount of recognition, with positive reviews from Darren Naish's Scientific American blog, Paleontologica Electronica, and the Journal of Cognitive Historiography. Predictably, our book also received a negative review in the Journal of Creation by one of the creationists criticized in our book, to which I wrote a response here. This month, Emily and I are pleased to announce the publication of our book's second edition, which is available to buy here: If you already own a copy of this book, you won't notice any major changes between the first and second editions. There are no entirely new chapters or diagrams, but astute readers may notice a number of more subtle changes throughout the book. A few of the changes are as follows: A few of the
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Please note the addition of a new addition to our submission guidelines: from now on we are only accepting submissions that were created by the person submitting them, or that were uploaded with the creator's permission. A few examples of things not allowed under this new guideline: Renders of 3D models created by someone else. (However, original scenes that use someone else's models are acceptable, as long as the scene was created by the submitter.) Video game screenshots, unless the screenshot is showing an original scene that was created in the game, such as a reconstruction of a paleo scene or a model created in Minecraft. Images scann...
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Just over a year ago, your group admins—myself and :devAgahnim:—reached a major milestone in our long-term goal of evolution education and outreach, which served the basis for starting this group over 11 years ago. We published our first book! Published by Inkwater Press and titled God’s Word or Human Reason? , the book has been available on Amazon since January of last year.I am now offering direct purchases of signed, inscribed hardcovers that are personalized with a drawing of a bird or dinosaur of your choice. They are $40 (U.S. and Canada) or $50 (everywhere else), shipping included. Thanks to my excellent web developer friend, you...
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Comments 724

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I'm looking for a DA member who has some scientific background in genetics to help me provide a little scientifically valid "color" to a visual novel I'm working on. I don't necessarily need someone with a PhD or anything, but hopefully someone who is either a student in a life sciences area that involves genetics, or even better a grad student. I have a reasonable layman's understanding of the field but probably just enough to get me in trouble. The VN is a sci-fi lite story involving a genetic change that occurs, perhaps triggered by a virus, unlocking physical and neural enhancements in dormant "junk DNA". Needing someone to help me add enough background science so that it passes scrutiny by the typical reader/gamer.

Anyone interested who could help?
Is it okay to add in things from Mystery Flesh Pit since it has Speculative Evolution in it's world building?
Evolution means we have potential!
Creation or evolution? Why not both?  T. Rex by OGYungLilBig   Heidelberg Man / Rhodesian Man by OGYungLilBig  
evolution is real