dom90nic on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

February 10, 2008
Texture - red,blue,coffee by ~dom90nic is full of beautiful colours and depth that will add instant character to any project.
Featured by bleedsopretty
dom90nic's avatar

Texture - red,blue,coffee



Media: Expired red and blue colouring and coffee splatters on 2 separate crumpled papers

Credit not required if you wish to use but I would love to see your artworks so post your link here :D
I will definitely check it out whenever I'm online!
Download for largest size :)

Thank you.

I can't thank you all enough (especially :iconbleedsopretty: featuring this piece) for the favs, DD, using it and other news feature! :D
Image size
2346x3467px 4.95 MB
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