Nightmare FriendDolphyDolphiana on DeviantArt

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Nightmare Friend


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Illustration of a "Rise of the Guardians"-story I have in mind.
Not sure if I'll ever write it ( writer's block sucks ), but the idea is that during a battle Sandy's dreamsand and Pitch's nightmare sand collide and, without anyone noticing at first, create a hybrid. The mare gives children both kinds of dreams, usually starting positive and then turning a little darker. But not for the sake of terrorizing them, but to warn them, showing them the dangers and possible negative outcome of things. Like climbing high on a tree all the time and then falling down, to teach them to be more careful and think about their actions.
Because fear isn't always a bad thing.

Paint Tool Sai & Photoshop CS5.

Jack Frost(c)Dreamworks.
Image size
1100x746px 755.21 KB
© 2019 - 2025 DolphyDolphiana
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Stainedglassdragon's avatar

Oh, interesting idea.