dollieflesh-stock on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

dollieflesh-stock's avatar

Pumpkin and Jackolantern Brush



What is "unrestricted" stock? According to LDD, "Unrestricted stock can be used for both personal and commercial projects, but it cannot be redistributed as stock. You are not required to obtain permission prior to using the stock off site or in DA prints. The only requirements are that the stock provider be notified and credited."

Updated the ABR file.

:police: Read the rules!:police:

:bulletpurple: I want to be notified, even for brushes!
:bulletpurple: Children and animals are not to be used in rape scenes, abuse, or murder.
:bulletpurple: No taking my stock and offering it in your own account. Just because you cut it out does not make it

your stock.
:bulletpurple: :daprints: Are fine. Off site use is fine. I just basicly want to see what was used and credited.

Pretty simple!
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Pita2165's avatar

Love these! Thank you!