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Create your own Indian sari!
I finally finished the Sari Maker guys. It's the first Doll Divine Classic in a while. Let's see your saris!
* Can I post my Sari's on deviantArt?
Sure! XD (link back!)
* Where's a good place to play Guess Who with my Saris?
The Official Doll Divine Facebook Page! XD
* Where's a good place to compete against other Saris?
On of course! XD
I finally finished the Sari Maker guys. It's the first Doll Divine Classic in a while. Let's see your saris!
* Can I post my Sari's on deviantArt?
Sure! XD (link back!)
* Where's a good place to play Guess Who with my Saris?
The Official Doll Divine Facebook Page! XD
* Where's a good place to compete against other Saris?
On of course! XD
Image size
403x602px 206.34 KB
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Please,please,please!I love that game soooo much,please do a part 2,or add new clothes like shorts,yoga pants and more shoes.Thank you!