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[v0.0.5] Added basic AI to Herobrine!



Just recently added AI to my Herobrine mob in my minecraft mod. Herobrine will now wander around and stare at you. To do: will add code for him to attack soon.
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Ok so I have thought of making a backrooms inspired Minecraft mod and no not a backrooms mod a backrooms inspired mod

and the the first creature I made for the mod btw the mod will be called the whisper dimension mod anyways where was I oh yeah so the first creature I made for the mod will be called the dark walker/dark roamer/whale face/ and the reason why one of its names are the whale face is because it has a funnel like face that resembles of the face of a toothed whale it also has 2 big eyes on the sides of its head and a tall dark slim body and has a vapor like substance coming out of its nose at all times and has long sharp teeth and I also made the light roamers/creature7/light walker and the light walkers can talk unlike there relatives the dark walkers/whale face because the dark walkers can only roar and make screeching noises also the

light walkers are a lot friendly than the dark walkers but there is a rare case that a dark walker will not attack you anyways you can befriend a light walker but not a dark walker and also sometimes dark walkers can live along aside light walkers and fun fact: dark walkers and light walkers both kinda have a larval stage sort of also a dark walkers and light walkers larval stage consists of it sticking on a seeling forever until it sheds its skin and becomes a pupa and then a adult if you have questions please let me know if it’s about the mod or just the creatures in the mod!