I'm not, repeat NOT agreeable with letting any of my things be used for ai-purposes or the like. I am NOT agreeable for anyone using my work to enhance the databases used for ai. I have deliberately limited the presence of my work on the net for that reason. If you have been on DA for a year or more, please contact me via EMAIL if you are interested and want to NFTs though - trades are possible.
Current Residence: Northern California....
Favourite genre of music: see sdorr on youtube....i.e., omnivorous
Favourite photographers: Curtis, Vishniac, Adams, Cartier-Bresson ...... more....
Favourite style of art: ... o m n i v e r o u s ....
Almost the only art I have done that has been widely enjoyed:
Personal Quote: When you depart, no one will ever say
"he should've spent more time at the office"
Lots of thanks for the fav.
thank you
Thank you very much and have a wonderful year
The same to you, Boris!
Thanks for watching!
Has Reb ever seen my "éLittle pacific beach" ?
Actually, it is one of her favorites. I'm considering giving it to her now rather than when I depart.