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Twisted Poem Bg



Well i got this one finished :D , i think how it turned out was pretty well. for atleast the way i interpreted the poem.

now with this one i took it like a twisted insanity in someones life pushing them near the edge, missing the better times, missing possibly someone they loved.

the reason why i put the author of the poems name in this one is cause i was trying to have something that could be thread so the "Anger Burns The Thread" part could be in there.

this twisty lines in the background are to represent the twisted state the person is in.

and the background was a last minute thing i decided to put in before uploading, so it could be like the "peace" the person was wanting.

the silhouette of the girl in the back is to represent a girl walking away, or possibly a person the person loved/cared about that is gone away by any number of reasons.

Author of poem : ~Wisesoul [link]

Background : Me

Hope i did well and the poem is readable, and if it isnt let me know and ill fix it :)
enjoy as always.

Image size
1280x1280px 1.16 MB
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WiseSoul's avatar
you pretty much nailed the emotion behind this peace, your description is perfect.

The words are certainly readable, I don't know if you could honestly get a better contrast and keep to the same color pattern, which fits perfectly.