The Tenth Doctor Era:
I love you! But why you didn't tell me-
I did. *whispers to Rose* I love you.
*stays in parallel universe forever*
I loved you, but why you reject me? T-T
I'll stay with him FOREV~*repeats saying 'Forev'*
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry *removes Donna's memories*
What's happening? Can't remember. *walks away*
Hello! I'm Captain Jack Ha-
Stop it, Jack!
...and Ten did refer one episode on the exact show
Are you my mummy?
s are keep saying, "EX-TER-MI-NATE!"
s shouts, "DELETE!"
walks around and asks, "Hey! Who turned off the lights?"
and the
have the phone box.
replies, "Affirmative!"
tells him, "You Are Not Alone."
tried to conquer the world
is scattered around Time and Space.
When his end is near...
He saw the last human face,
's face.
And, the Ood comes.
Your song shall ends, but the story never ends
He then crawled to his
. Then, his last words spoken.
I don't want to go.
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*runs away for forsaken life*