Inkscape 0.92 Keyboard Shortcutsdoctormo on DeviantArt

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doctormo's avatar

Inkscape 0.92 Keyboard Shortcuts



Based on Ridjam's excellent svg, this 0.92 version is a draft for getting the piece onto the website.

Edited in Inkscape/Ubuntu 16.04 and using the fonts and about screen contest winner graphic (although I'm not terribly happy with how it mixes yet)
Image size
3987x2819px 5.56 MB
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I-Do-Care's avatar
Thanks doctormo and Ridjam, I really need this help!

To get around problems uploading SVG files onto DeviantArt, if you want, you could upload to your stash (which is cloud storage that comes as part of your DeviantArt account) and post a link to the file in the comments or description. You can find your DA Stash under the Submit menu at the top of the page. (Hope this helps!)