Tutorial para el Amigo Invisible 2 de SHDoctorGiratina on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/doctorgiratina/art/Tutorial-para-el-Amigo-Invisible-2-de-SH-418808487DoctorGiratina

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Tutorial para el Amigo Invisible 2 de SH



A tutorial I made on how to send a letter for the Secret Santa of the brony forum Spaniard Hooves. 
Sweetiebot there because is the bot and one of the mascots of the forum and because she's cute.


Tutorial que hice sobre como enviar una carta para el Amigo Invisible del foro brony Spaniard Hooves.
En el tutorial sale Sweetiebot porque es el bot y la mascota del foro y porque es simplemente adorable.


Sweetie Belle belongs to Laurent Faust
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Sweetie Bot belongs to the Friendship is Whcitchcraft team
Twicane belongs to our overlord and Princess Twilight Sparkle
The ponification of Pepiño belongs to Hell
The pencil belongs to DoctorGiratina
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814x1000px 659.07 KB
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