Sweetie Belle's PrideDoctorGiratina on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/doctorgiratina/art/Sweetie-Belle-s-Pride-476340270DoctorGiratina

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DoctorGiratina's avatar

Sweetie Belle's Pride



Sooooo I've finished Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood recently and I've felt like doing some draw about it. And that's it. NO SPOILERS PLOX.


Bueeeeeeeeeeno, me acabé hace poco Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood y me apeteció hacer un dibujillo sobre la serie. Eso es todo. NO SPOILERS PO FAVOOOOORL.


Everything belongs to their respective owners, except me. I'm a free spirit, designed to walk into a bar and say "Hey, I want a glass and a cow" and then proceed to milk the f*ck out of that cow.
Then drink that milk.

Cow and glass belong to the bar.
Image size
1787x1103px 594.25 KB
© 2014 - 2025 DoctorGiratina
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Chrono-Zone's avatar
That bitch to stupid to see that crazy nigga behind her