i'm a alright guy and i enjoy meeting new pepole but i'm not a very social character so if we talk theirs a good chance i will run out of things to say or i will say something wrong so if i do...sorry.
you can categorize me as a villain. even though i call myself a villain i try to be a nice guy as long as i can be. but if you got a problem with my friends we have a problem so please lets all try to get along.
i'm a pretty open person who can be categorized as a bit crazy but despite that i enjoy talking to anyone about anything so if you ever need to talk or just want to chat about stuff feel free to stop by and say hi.
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
batman, zootopia
Favourite TV Shows
anything rely
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
night-core, anything with a good beat
Favourite Games
gta and plants vs zombies garden warfare, overwatch , battaleborn , gta5 and agents of mayem
Favourite Gaming Platform
creation/customization adventure
Tools of the Trade
pen and paper
Other Interests
character design sketching video games and some movies