Hello, and welcome to another edition of Digitalists new interview series:
Behind the Screens: Digital Art Masters
Through these interviews, we will get an in-depth look into the minds
and careers of DeviantART's most influential digital artists.
Today's featured artist is Shue13
Sebastien Hue is a french digital artist who lives in Paris' suburb. He is self-taught, and started around 5 years ago when he was inspired by the likes of Dylan Cole and other famous matte painters. He says: "I decided to teach myself the ins and outs of digital painting, initially starting out with Photoshop but as I put aside my drawing skills for a while, I decided to learn 3D modelling as well to help me build objects or things I could not paint. I felt that environment was more my kind of thing in CG and my passion for Science Fiction fuelled my inspiration and imagination. I am a former Community Volunteer for DeviantArt's Sci-Fi gallery and Staff-admin for the International Collective The Luminarium. I officially became a professional freelance CG artist in 2014 and have worked worldwide since then for Publishing companies as well as Game ones."
When did you first discover your passion for art?
My passion for art really started when I was a kid, mostly with music and my capacity to reproduce on a keyboard some melodies I heard. I have been playing the guitar for 20 years now, though visual arts came really lately even though I was a huge fan of movies and mangas. I discovered the extraodinary capacities of Photoshop and other programs and it fed my appetite to discover and learn more and more about visual art.
What is your favorite piece from your gallery and why?
Tough question, but I guess this is Terminal 13 piece because it cost me a huge amount of training and work to accomplish it. Probably a month was needed to learn how to model the terrain on Vue, model the ships, find the good composition and detail everything to have something solid and epic for the viewer.
Tough question, but I guess this is Terminal 13 piece because it cost me a huge amount of training and work to accomplish it. Probably a month was needed to learn how to model the terrain on Vue, model the ships, find the good composition and detail everything to have something solid and epic for the viewer.
Can you please describe your artistic process?
Well, at first the mental image did not come naturally in my mind or at least not sufficiently precisely to be able to reproduce it on Photoshop. Moreover my painting and drawing skills were not that good to be able to quickly sketch a concept that would bump into my head. That’s why working from a photo plate helped me out a lot finding ideas, concepts, composition to work on and develop. It’s really like the spider with the net, an idea comes after another idea once I have something concrete in front of my eyes. With a lot of practice, references, paintings skills and stuff, I now have the capabilites to think of a good concept or scene in my mind and reproduce it on my tablet. This process is faster indeed but for me I had to learn it, it was not intuitive like some other artists.
Besides art, what else are you passionate about in life?
Music of course! This is so important in my life I can’t bear silence except when you are in a moment of pure contemplation like on a trip in the middle of nature or watching the sea, still I’m very aware of the natural sounds in that moments, wind, waves of the ocean etc.
Can you tell us one interesting fact about yourself that we don't know?
I'm a singer as well!
inspire you and tell us why you look up to them.
I have encountered too many influential artists when I was CV on Deviantart that I can’t name just three. It goes from environment to characters as well. As a matter of fact, I’m very impatient to go to the next Trojan Was A Unicorn Festival 2015 in Portugal to finally meet some of them. A recent great artist I met a month ago at IT’S ART masterclass in Paris was Raphael Lacoste. I strongly recommend you watch over his gallery, he is very impressive and he is french too, ha ha!!!