Hello, and welcome to another edition of Digitalists new interview series:
Behind the Screens: Digital Art Masters
Through these interviews, we will get an in-depth look into the minds
and careers of DeviantART's most influential digital artists.
Today's featured artist is Qinni
Qing Han (aka Qinni), is a Chinese born Canadian artist. She is currently employed as a background painter at a studio working for Dreamworks. She says "It's a pretty non-stressful job that pays well so I'm pretty happy where i am right now, though I'd love to move up and do more stuff in the future. I sometimes waste hundreds of hours playing 3ds games but am trying to restrain myself these days."
When did you first discover your passion for art?
I have videos of myself when I was 5 y/o wearing my dad's overlarge tshirt and painting on a canvas with cheap poster paint; I actually come from a family of artists on my dad's side. my dad did freelance illustration next to his engineering job and my dad's uncle was a famous artist in China. In fact, he was the head of the designs for the olympics mascot, so I guess I was really influenced by that when I was younger.
Has your life long love of music influenced your art in any way?
In a sort of weird way it did, but not in the way you may think. I started playing the violin when I was 3 and a half, and after learning how difficult it was, as a kid, i obviously hated it. For as much as I hated practicing the violin, I loved doing art, and my parents actually later forbade me from drawing at home because, to them, any time I have should be spent on practicing or homework. But you know how kids are, the more they say no, the more i wanted to draw, so I would draw all the time at school, doodled during class and pissed off most of the teachers. So yeah, I'd say music definitely influenced my art. If not for music, I feel like my passion for art might not be as strong, maybe...but I'm just guessing here.
Don't get me wrong though, I love music, I just hated practicing the violin even though I loved performing it!
I see you enjoy creating fan art. Which fandom is your favorite?
I think it varies from time to time, but I think my favourite 3 fandoms are probably the teen wolf, x-men and harry potter fandoms. Harry potter being the oldest and longest one. But actually, the more I like a fandom, the less I find myself willing to draw for it, sort of fearing that my art won't do the fandom justice. I should overcome that.
Besides art, what else are you passionate about in life?
Maybe gaming? I'm either playing games or painting/drawing, and i listen to music during everything else.
Can you tell us one interesting fact about yourself that we don't know?
Hm, I think most people who follow me regularly would know this but I don't think that many people regularly do so i'll just use this fact - I've been playing the violin since I was 3 and a half years old, and I actually played to a professional level since I was around grade. 9; at least, I got my grade 10 violin certificate when I was in grade. 9 highschool, and it was only because the teacher's license was so expensive plus it required me learning the piano that stopped me from taking that exam.
Name three influential artists on DeviantART whose works
inspire you and tell us why you look up to them.
oh man, most of my fav artists are really old/dead artists, haha;;. Alright, dA, I'd have to say Jo-Chen, Brosa, and, I know she's already gone from dA i learned a lot from her tutorials when i was younger, enayla. enayla's probably the first artist whose work I really fell in love with, and I think I was around 15 at that time (10 years ago), and before that i wasn't really interested in realism at all, so that took me closer to a semi-realistic work. Then I found Jo Chen whose work has also always been phenomenal, and I found Brosa a few years ago and I love the simple and yet dynamic way his characters look. All really inspiring and different.

Thank you Qinni for sharing your wisdom and experience with the community!
Join us next week for another installment where we will be interviewing