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"Do you always wake up wanting waffles?"
Now, Flash ordered those. He didn't steal any waffles. Our waffles are safe.
Made this because of the mane (before It Doesn't Suit You, Darling) and the pancakes from the episode. I'm more of a Eggo person than pancakes, also freshly-made ones at the gelato place.
rev.1 missing magic aura
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" & Original Characters © Hasbro
Now, Flash ordered those. He didn't steal any waffles. Our waffles are safe.
Made this because of the mane (before It Doesn't Suit You, Darling) and the pancakes from the episode. I'm more of a Eggo person than pancakes, also freshly-made ones at the gelato place.
rev.1 missing magic aura
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" & Original Characters © Hasbro
Image size
1000x700px 160.16 KB
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Eagles and pancakes are the same thing just a different shape