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"Shining Armor, this is Princess Cadance. She's Princess Celestia's niece and will be spending the evening with us tonight."
The little colt, clearly uncomfortable being with someone unfamiliar, stares intently at the filly who's eager to make a new friend.
"Oh, go on.", says Twilight.
"Ngh. What if she doesn't like me?"
"You're my sweet little gentlecolt. Any pony would love you. Go on and say hello."
That's our little Shy-ning Armor. Furthering the exploration of the age regression universe brings us to where Twilight is not simply the elder sibling but the fillysitter of Shining Armor. So of course, I have to bring the other half into the picture, don't I?
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" & Original Characters © Hasbro
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1080x800px 162.42 KB
© 2014 - 2025 dm29
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naa. i would be the same. seeing a random girl that turned out to be my love-life, all i can say is DAFAQ?