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Kayleigh - Vector Synthesis



The original picture, from a photoset of Kayleigh @ DA, really captured my attention when I first laid eyes on it. After spending the last few months drawing cars and other stills, I thought it might be a nice change to try my hand at a portrait. Multitudes of vectors, fills, lenses, transparencies, gradients and meshes; 14,500 nodes; 1000 objects, and 35 hours of my life were spent on this recreation... This is the result.
Image size
800x948px 106.23 KB
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Takagami's avatar
This looks like it has a very low DPI. If it does I think it adds a softness to it. Very appropriate. I really love this piece.

*goes in search of the original photo*

Make a habit out of including links to others when appropriate. Such as "Original photo set of kayleigh @ DA."