Mac OS X Liger for Windows 7djtransformer01 on DeviantArt

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Mac OS X Liger for Windows 7




I have made a preview to see if people wanted it and no one has responded :/ so I decided to upload it for fun. If you have a Mac theme that uses a patch and it worked for you you can use it the theme given has no effect but a color changer and a wallpaper. I have given you the wallpapers. I have given you the Mac OS X Liger wallpaper, the Mac OS X Leopard wallpaper and the Mac OS X Snow leopard wallpaper. PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT FOR MY WALLPAPER I HAVE MADE THE LIGER WALLPAPER THE OTHERS ARE THE DEFAULT MAC ONES. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

Tell me what you think!!! :D

~ djtransformer01

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djtransformer01's avatar
:D this theme is a little old so I want to try to make another pack thats better.