Tag! I'm it!!!

2 min read

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djkyota's avatar
Hehehe...my buddy :icontalbain21: tagged me...okay, let's get this mess over with!:

Rules: Each person tagged must write 8 things about themselves in their journal.
If you have already done it, give a link to that journal.
You must tag 6 more people.
You must go to their site and tell them they've been tagged.

1. Hajimemashoo!
2. I'm a part of Furry Fandom!! YESH!!
3. I am currently taking Japanese 1 in High School. And when I was tagged with this, I said "Kore wa nan desu ka?"
4. ...Imma virgin...
5. I pitifully crave page views! I'm a popularity whore!
6. About a few months ago, I became a Repoist!! (Check Urban Dictionary! XP) And in those months, I was able to convert about 4 others to Repoism!! "Pavi steals all of the hearts!!" XD
7. My girlfirend happens to be a really good artist! ^///^(No matter WHAT you say, Tobi!! <3)
8. So far, this September has been very good to me...and most of it is because of :icontobi-theavenger:!

I shall now tag:
:star: :icontobi-theavenger: :star: :iconkaida1591: :star: :iconarroyo-river: :star: :icondarkking03: :star: :iconzane-the-foxwolf: :star: :iconhuegiemonster: :star:
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talbain21's avatar
yays!!!!! :w00t:

awesome!!!! japanese! wow! we only have Spanish and French as language classes. :(