Rapunzel as Sansa StarkDjeDjehuti on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/djedjehuti/art/Rapunzel-as-Sansa-Stark-435059358DjeDjehuti

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DjeDjehuti's avatar

Rapunzel as Sansa Stark



Sansa gets a lot of hate, especially from book fans, but let's face it, she's had a tough life and spends most of the series captive or locked up in one tower or another. That's, of course, why I picked Rapunzel, who knows a thing or two about being locked in a tower, to portray her.
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laurenlittledove's avatar
Love that you chose Rapunzel as Sansa. Even though Anna has Sansa's looks, Rapunzel matches her more in personality. They are both innocent, meek, and emotionally abused a lot.