Taka Rough Pencil AnimationDJ88 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dj88/art/Taka-Rough-Pencil-Animation-151093367DJ88

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Taka Rough Pencil Animation



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Rough Pencil TestAnimation of Taka "Scar".


This animation was done with a point 7 led pencil and regular copy paper. using the aid of a very old lightbox. the papers are the size of CD covers so as to double my paper. the papers where held together with a clip. it took me anywhere from 2-3 hours to animate him.
and from 1-1 1/2 hours to scan and align/animate in photoshop elements 4.

And No I havent had ANY animation training, so don't ask me anything i don't know. lol. what you see is the result of guessing and researching. and of course observation of the original animated feature and RL lions/movements.

Taka is said to be Scar's birth/cub name. This info about Taka/Scar can be found in "The Lion King 6 New Adventures" a small series of books featuring Simba's Young son Kopa (book was made long before the second film) and it also features another one book called "A Tale of Two Brothers", which is said to be the official "sub cannon" back story of Scar and Mufasa. In the book Their Parents are also mentioned, Ahadi and Uru. I myself personally have not read the books nor do i own them.

if you would like to start research on them and or the "lost/sub cannon characters" of the TLK universe. please click on these two links;

DJ Coulz's website featuring the books and comic pages;


one of my favorite family trees;


and the ever so useful and well made interactivr character guide


character guide (c) Tima
family tree (c) capricornfox
DJCoulz.com (c) DJ Coulz
The Lion king and all cannon and sub cannon characters(c) Disney
Image size
500x481px 1.33 MB
© 2010 - 2024 DJ88
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Taiya001's avatar
This is really good