Disturbed-Nightmares's avatar


Years Ago
385 Members568 Watchers

Welcome to the Disturbed Nightmares

Hello! And welcome to the Disturbed Nightmare Group!
The breed and group are still in the works sadly(lots of life stuff going on :( )

The group is now moving to a more permanent Semi-Open!!! :la: 
What does this mean?~

Violet-orbBreeding's are back open! :eyes:
:DarkRed-orb: Show's and prompts(big and small) will now be going on throughout the year

:Black-orb: Imports and Adoptable will be popping up(Customizable Imports as well!)

You'll start seeing the shows and prompts starting next month :happybounce:


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hello! I think i deceased some of my DNs when the group was inactive and i think it was an unofficial deceasing, is it okay to bring them back or no?

is there anyway we can still get a DN?


We are going to be opening breeding's next month(A few of the groups DN's can be used), and I do have two DN's that don't have homes at the moment and are draw to adopt.

These guys here

Disturbed Nightmare Import 902
Disturbed Nightmare Import 996

If your looking to have an import I haven't quite gotten there yet Dx

But I'll be working on this next month.

Oooooo I may have to give that orange one a shot

Awesome! He needs a home <3~

Hi! I own two nightmares from waaay back that are marked to my old account (sierrea), I am not sure if I still have access to that account; how would I best go about transferring their ownership to this (my current) account? Thanks in advance!

Hey! I looked into it and all the journals match up to you so yeah!!! <3~

Please note me which DN's you want moved over to your account and i'll get it started! :la: