disscordia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/disscordia/art/Badge-Leviathan-330806873disscordia

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disscordia's avatar

Badge - Leviathan



I wanted to try out a more elongated shape with this one. A challenging aspect of leather carving & tooling, especially when you get to more human/animal subjects, is instilling the nuance of structural roundness. On canvas you can use a variety of illustrative techniques to trick the eye into perceiving the illusion of depth. The strike of the hammer however presents a broader and generally irrevocable manipulation of the medium. That you're actually instilling depth to the piece grants tooled leatherwork a dimensionality most paintings lack. When you get down to it though even a 10-oz leather yields only so much contour without underlying plugs or embossing, and cut edges have a sharpness that defies the actuality of most natural subjects.

Still, tentacle practice is fun!
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800x600px 68.78 KB
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