The start of the night had been slow. All Cort had managed to do so far was help a nice elderly woman find a copy of Tale of Two Cities that she'd requested be put on hold, second edition. But besides that, he'd only been called upon to ring people up and hover around to make sure the younger crowd didn't steal the trinkets that they kept in the shop in an attempt to provide their version of candy bars and national inquirers. All this meant that, while an easy night to say the least, Cort was longing for good conversation by the time 8:30 rolled around,when his boss interrupted him re-alphabetizing the non fiction section and offered him...
He had found the way home mostly by memory. It had been a few years, but he remembered the turns and hills he and Andros once traversed with their bikes to be familiar. Marcos had no nerves as the bus approached the stop, nor any when he had reached the very end of his childhood street. But it was as he stood at the base of the walkway up to his childhood home that he began to feel his stomach churn and his whole body turn ill with fear. He had no right to be here, really. Who was he to think that Andros would just accept him home again, with all these bruises and a simple story? No proof that he wasn't a threat to his brother's life...
What little sun that still trickled through the heavily curtained windows caused Cort to stir. He whined quietly, dragging the blankets up and over himself in an effort to shield his eyes. He hated the sun. Here he was minding his own business sleeping and it had to come and ruin everything. He sighed, not having the energy to get up and close off the pin-sized beam of light. He whined softly again, turning over and burying his face in Cam's chest. He smiled, eyes opening just sightly to look up at him Cameron. Cort loved these moments, where he could just lay in Cam's arms and listen to him breath to murmur soft things in his sleep....
He had never meant to love him. Cort understood this, he accepted this. Neither he, nor his lover could change the way Cameron had felt about Cort in the beginning of their relationship. Cam simply took longer to form close bonds with people. And Cort would never blame Cam for something that the taller male couldn't control, couldn't go back and change. Cort could never blame Cam for anything. He loved him too dearly, with his entire heart. They were a family, something Cort had so rarely had growing up. Morning came on, bright and seemingly brilliant as Cort's eyes fluttered opened. He panicked slightly, unsure of his location because i...
It was the thick, unbreathable air that had awoken Alden at first. He coughed and tried to take a deep breath, willing his lungs full of air. But he succeeded in only a shallow gasp, causing him to find himself very much awake. Turning over, Alden's hand moved awkwardly, groping for Trace's shoulder so he could hide in his shoulder. But his hand met with the cool sheets beside him and he realized he was alone. Well, not truly alone. Since he had first awoke, there had been something manifesting close to him, he could feel it. It was only when he heard the first letters of his name start did Alden begin to panic. There wasn't anyth...
It was always the small bones that went first. Cracking, shrinking, turning themselves into something new. Once, when he had been smaller and not as used to this, his femur had gone first. He had panicked, both knowing what was happening and not at the same time. Now, everything just seemed so common place. The pain, while excruciating, was the same each time. Nothing new, nothing different. It was always the same pain, and since his body had gotten used to the near-monthly transformation, it was nearly always the same process. Today, his fingers went first.
Octavian tried his best to keep his mind off of the pain. It didn't wo...
The start of the night had been slow. All Cort had managed to do so far was help a nice elderly woman find a copy of Tale of Two Cities that she'd requested be put on hold, second edition. But besides that, he'd only been called upon to ring people up and hover around to make sure the younger crowd didn't steal the trinkets that they kept in the shop in an attempt to provide their version of candy bars and national inquirers. All this meant that, while an easy night to say the least, Cort was longing for good conversation by the time 8:30 rolled around,when his boss interrupted him re-alphabetizing the non fiction section and offered him...
He had found the way home mostly by memory. It had been a few years, but he remembered the turns and hills he and Andros once traversed with their bikes to be familiar. Marcos had no nerves as the bus approached the stop, nor any when he had reached the very end of his childhood street. But it was as he stood at the base of the walkway up to his childhood home that he began to feel his stomach churn and his whole body turn ill with fear. He had no right to be here, really. Who was he to think that Andros would just accept him home again, with all these bruises and a simple story? No proof that he wasn't a threat to his brother's life...
What little sun that still trickled through the heavily curtained windows caused Cort to stir. He whined quietly, dragging the blankets up and over himself in an effort to shield his eyes. He hated the sun. Here he was minding his own business sleeping and it had to come and ruin everything. He sighed, not having the energy to get up and close off the pin-sized beam of light. He whined softly again, turning over and burying his face in Cam's chest. He smiled, eyes opening just sightly to look up at him Cameron. Cort loved these moments, where he could just lay in Cam's arms and listen to him breath to murmur soft things in his sleep....
He had never meant to love him. Cort understood this, he accepted this. Neither he, nor his lover could change the way Cameron had felt about Cort in the beginning of their relationship. Cam simply took longer to form close bonds with people. And Cort would never blame Cam for something that the taller male couldn't control, couldn't go back and change. Cort could never blame Cam for anything. He loved him too dearly, with his entire heart. They were a family, something Cort had so rarely had growing up. Morning came on, bright and seemingly brilliant as Cort's eyes fluttered opened. He panicked slightly, unsure of his location because i...
It was the thick, unbreathable air that had awoken Alden at first. He coughed and tried to take a deep breath, willing his lungs full of air. But he succeeded in only a shallow gasp, causing him to find himself very much awake. Turning over, Alden's hand moved awkwardly, groping for Trace's shoulder so he could hide in his shoulder. But his hand met with the cool sheets beside him and he realized he was alone. Well, not truly alone. Since he had first awoke, there had been something manifesting close to him, he could feel it. It was only when he heard the first letters of his name start did Alden begin to panic. There wasn't anyth...
It was always the small bones that went first. Cracking, shrinking, turning themselves into something new. Once, when he had been smaller and not as used to this, his femur had gone first. He had panicked, both knowing what was happening and not at the same time. Now, everything just seemed so common place. The pain, while excruciating, was the same each time. Nothing new, nothing different. It was always the same pain, and since his body had gotten used to the near-monthly transformation, it was nearly always the same process. Today, his fingers went first.
Octavian tried his best to keep his mind off of the pain. It didn't wo...
"Sorry." More than anything else, he was sorry. Sorry for himself, sorry for ever being anything less than tolerable. He didn't mean to hurt anyone, or to act so incredibly stupid that he'd end up pushing away the only one he had ever cared so much for. His problems shrank in the midst of everyone else's, being nothing but dumb insecurities that didn't matter. And who was he anyway, to ask for understanding, or even forgiveness? His love had suffered much worse during the long years, and yet he asked for wasted time to dwell on himself; be blind to the insignificance; act as if he had every right to dramatize his thoughts. And in doing so...
It was well into the school year first grade and he had already learned that it was wise to avoid everyone, once again. He wasn't exactly the outcast, but he found it to be a lot less problematic to let the other children come up to him instead of seeking their companionship on his own. He had begun school the past year when he entered kindergarten and, being in a smaller class, he was able to recognize most of the girls and boys who returned. He couldn't necessarily call any of them his friends since he never really found them too interesting, but he was satisfied enough to play with some of them during recess or sit with them at lunc...
Soren smiled excitedly at himself in the mirror, his reflection ending just above his hips. His hazel eyes appeared brighter than usual as the steam from his shower blurred his image and slowly faded from the center of the glass, revealing the cause of his good mood. It had only been a few months since he had quit heroin, but he was slowly and progressively gaining his normal weight back. His fingers prodded at the barely-noticeable bulge of his stomach and he couldn't help but giggle; he was getting better! Soren quickly bent down to check his thighs and the rest of his body and, although there were no obvious changes, he stood back up to...
Currently a senior in the Fine Arts major at Montclair State University, studio concentration in Drawing. I also write, as evidenced by my Deviations, and I am currently trying to work with animation and comics.
Favourite Visual Artist
Kara Walker,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Bastielle, Copeland, The Decemberisits, City and Colour
Tools of the Trade
Canon Rebel XS, Wacom Bamboo Tablet, Windows 8 and Photoshop CS2
So. :iconSomberParanoia: is over. We got back from IHOP two hours ago. We like Pepsi One. And filling out stuff. So Andros and Trent filled with out willingly/not so willingly. It's long. We don't care.All of Trent is belong to :iconSomberParanoia:And yes. The numbers are fucked up. It's 5 am. What do you want from me?1) How Old Are You?
Andros: 24.
Trent: 252) Height?
Andros: Six foot. I'd say I'm not much taller than Trent, but it'd be a lie.
Trent: Yeah, well, I'm 5"4'. And I'd say you're not much of an asshole, but that'd be a lie.
Andros: Gawd, you're like one of those tiny yappy dogs.3) You Got Any Bad Habits?
Andros: Lots of um. Vo...
Normally I don't do tags when actually tagged, because I'm weird and have some sort of complex.1) Name: Jacqueline2) Name Backwards: Enilequcaj Google that, I'm sure it's a character in someone's Lord of the Rings fanfiction.3) Were you named after anyone?: Nope. Just my middle name is after my mother's grandmother, I think.4) Does your name mean anything?: "He who supplants." I'm taking the place of someone, bitttch! 5) Nick Name(s): Jacqui, Boo, Q6) Screen Name(s): Usually just this name now. Everything else I rarely go on.7) Date of Birth: August 30th 19908) Place of Birth: I forget the name of the hospital, but New Jersey.10) Curren...
Pretend you like me and fill this out. Thank you.*Friends! Please fill this out so I can get to know you better! :heart:Your Full Name:Age:Single or Taken:Favorite Movie:Favorite Song:Favorite Band/Artist:Dirty or Clean:Tattoos and/or Piercings:Whats your philosophy on life?Would you have my back in a fight?Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?What is your favorite memory of us?Would you give me a kidney?Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:Would you take care of me when I'm sick?Can we get together and make a cake?Have you heard any rumors of me lately?Do you think I'm a good person?Would you dri...