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David G. Forés
425 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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My Bio

My name is David Garcia Forés, aka Un tipo ilustrado, born and raised in Barcelona, I still live and draw here. My passion for drawing started at a very young age, in class my notes were the most photocopied of the school, not for their content but for the sketches at the margins. I was a very good student and I got into studying a degree in Economics (being a good student doesn’t mean to know what you want to do with your life). And thus I spent five years increasing my collection of illustrated notes, learning a lot about life, not so much about economics.

At two subjects from getting the degree, I decided to upset my parents by starting a design agency with Efrén Garcia. There, in Play Creatividad, I designed and illustrated lots of works for clients like Imaginarium, ACB, Fundació La Caixa and Ajuntament de Barcelona, among others.

For the publishing company Play Attitude, I illustrated several books, such as The Forgotten Colors, Inspiration Dormant, Edgar Allan Poe: Ravings of Love and Death, which were published in Italy, Japan, South Korea, Chile, Brazil and USA.

In 2014 I co-founded iClassics, an immersive reading project where technology, illustration and music refresh the classic texts of Lovecraft, Oscar Wilde, Jack London and Edgar Allan Poe.

Nowadays I work as a freelance illustrator, illustrating books and covers for publishing companies like Planeta, Harper Collins and RBA.

...meanwhile, they still wait for me at the Faculty of Economics.

Contact: david@dosilustrados.com


Mi nombre es David Garcia Forés (aka Un tipo ilustrado) y nací, vivo y dibujo en Barcelona. La pasión por dibujar me viene de muy pequeño, tanto que mis apuntes eran los más fotocopiados del colegio, no por su contenido sino por los dibujos que adornaban sus márgenes.

Fui muy buen estudiante y realicé la carrera de Económicas (ser buen estudiante no significa tener claro lo que quieres hacer en tu vida) y así pasé cinco años ampliando mi colección de apuntes ilustrados, aprendiendo algo de la vida y muy poco de economía. A dos asignaturas de terminar la carrera, decidí darles un disgusto a mis padres y con Efrén Garcia monté la agencia de diseño Play Creatividad, donde realicé muchos trabajos de diseño e ilustración publicitaria para marcas tan diversas como Imaginarium, ACB, Fundació La Caixa o Ajuntament de Barcelona entre otras.

Bajo el sello Play Attitude ilustré varios libros como Los Colores Olvidados, La inspiración Dormida y la antología sobre Edgar Allan Poe: Delirios de Amor y Muerte, que se han publicado en países como Italia, Japón, Corea (del Sur), Chile, Brasil o Estados Unidos.

En 2014 cofundé iClassics, un proyecto de lectura inmersiva, en el que mediante la unión de tecnología, ilustración y música revitalizan textos clásicos de autores como Lovecraft, Oscar Wilde, Jack London o Edgar Allan Poe.

En la actualidad trabajo como ilustrador free-lance para editoriales y todo aquel que se atreva a contratarme

… y mientras tanto, aún me esperan en la facultad de Económicas.

Contacto: david@dosilustrados.com 

En tumblr soy un tipo ilustrado: untipoilustrado.tumblr.com

En facebook también: www.facebook.com/untipoilustra…

En Instagram soy DonVito: instagram.com/donvito

En Behance soy yo, tal cual: www.behance.net/davidGfores

ArtVSartist 2019

The Ink Harvest

0 min read
Hello everybody, Last October I did an #INKtober Challenge on Instagram, dedicated to Star Wars. 31 drawings, 31 days. It got a few commented from among the community. At the time I didn't think about doing anything with it, but after a number of mails and requests came my way, I felt it was time to take a step. I decided to collect the drawings in a beautiful, pocket- sized art book for Sci-fi fans: The Ink Harvest. 'The Ink Harvest' is a pocket-sized softcover art book. It measures 5.86x5.86 inches, and contains the result of the challenge, 31 illustrations and quotes on around 80-pages, all printed in high-quality textured paper. If you
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Hello everybody, I've just started a crowdfunding on Kickstarter to publish The ABC of Edgar Allan Poe, my interpretation of Poe’s more charismatic characters in a deluxe, limited, & numbered edition art book.. The book will be available only through the kickstarter. Moreover there are a lot of curious rewards for the Poe devotees. There is the option to choose between two different editions. The level of finish depending on the amount you wish to pledge:EUREKA EDITION: About 80-page hardcover art book that measures 8.3x5.8 inches. Limited edition*: maximum 1,500 copies.ELDORADO EDITION: The slipcased edition of the hardcover art
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We've done it! The illustrated Edgar Allan Poe anthology “Ravings of love & death”  was successfully funded with kickstarter. Thank you so much for make this happen! All the support received has been amazing since the beginning. We are stunned for how has been the campaign, and that we've overcome the funding goal. The book will be available to purchase (presale) until June 2014, when we’ll start the unique print run of this edition, and will be delivered by September 2014. (https://poekickstarter.com/store/cart/) Lo conseguimos! Muchas gracias por hacer este sueño posible! La antología ilustrada de Edgar All
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What do you think of my Forgotten Tales idea?

I'm creating a cartoon. It's called, Forgotten Tales! It's about these forgotten and obscure characters that go on wacky and crazy adventures.

la hada que hiciste esta muy bella!

Birthday cake  icon 
Yours in Poe.

Birthday cake  icon