Favourite Visual Artist
Andrew Dobson and Bryan Lee O'Malley
Favourite Movies
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Case Closed Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Baka and Test, Moon Phase, Pokemon, Futurama, Love Hina
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Fear My Drum, Kid2Will, deadmau5, DistantStatic, Ellie Goulding
Favourite Books
Artemis Fowl, Pendragon, Scott Pilgrim, Chibi Vampire
Favourite Writers
Eoin Colfer, D.J. Machale, Bryan Lee O'Malley
Favourite Games
Dragon Nest, Portal, Portal 2, Dead Space 2, Terraria, Minecraft, Tribes: Ascend, Guild Wars 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Eraser, and Sketchbook
Other Interests
Writing and making music