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  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
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One day little bitch-ass lookis from Mother 3 went on the internet.
He saw a picture of his daddy, Sal and this chain letter.
Suddenly Sal came up behind lookis to tell him he's not giving him cummies anymore.
Lookis never got cummies again.
Do you want to end up like Lookis?
Send this to 420 daddies in 69,000 seconds or you'll never get cummies again!

Case 1
Lookis ^

Case 2
The Yee dinosaur sent this to 666 people in .00000000000001 milliseconds wowie wow he got the cummies

Case 3
Sponge bob got the chain letter and sent it to no one.
He still got the cummies tho

*BONUS* Case 4
Wadanohara got this chain letter and sent it to Sal telling him to gtfo of dA
Wadanohara had to wait 4200000000000 years to get another cummie

Copy and paste it, And samekichi will be under yo bed with foxy

doing da bang bang
Hello, I am troll who is pretending to be a young child who is dead, and i wish to waste you time with this chain mail. So you cant stop reading, even though you are capable of looking away or closing the tab.
Anyway, I am a young child who was killed so somehow i have managed to get wifi internet connection when im in a coffin. I was brutally murdered, yet nobody wiped all the blood off of my face, which is just plain lazy. If you dont post this 1000 times in 10 seconds i will kill you, which is just plain over reacting since nothing is going to happen to me if you dont post it. So you have been warned, i will kill you if you dont post it, despite the fact that i dont know where you live and im also dead, therefore unable to move or get out of my coffin.
If you do post it, then you are retarded. Congratulations. Trololol :icontetohumpplz: