Size Comparison - Science Fiction SpaceshipsDirkLoechel on DeviantArt

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Size Comparison - Science Fiction Spaceships

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Q: Is it okay for me to download and print the poster?
A: Of course! I may never be making money off it and sell it via DevArt's poster-print service, but that doesn't mean this may not be printed by you (and since you cut out the middle man - me - it's even cheaper for you than if I sold it to you!).

Q: Why isn't the Death Star/CSO Carrier/V'Ger/other large ship on the chart?
A: For reasons of image quality and chart organisation, only ships between a minimum of 100 meters and 24000 meters are applicable for this chart, sorry. Arbitrary? Yes! But I had to draw the line somewhere.

Q: And where's TARDIS?
A: It's both too large and too small for the chart.


The last update

For real this time: This is the final major content update, though if there are issues I'll still fix them. I also haven't forgotten I wanted to vectorize the writing. It's still on the radar. But content-wise, I think that is about all I can put in.

Also, I added the ISS. For scale. It's on top, with a yellow frame so it's relatively easy to find.

Lots of errors fixed, lots of new ships too. Well, off for now, but I'll be replying in the comments more or less regularily.

Also added a few more ships and switched the Eternal Crusader for the Legate Class battle barge, which is a class ship and not a unique ship.

Major update

This is probably at least for the forseseeable future the last round of adding ships. I have pretty much all I wanted now (excepting some old scifi, and many Anime series, which tend to not have many usable images). Lots of new content. Including:

-> UPDATE for Mass Effect! It now features the Crusible and two little new Geth ships.
-> UPDATE for Star Trek! It now features the Narada and a couple more small ships courtesy of Euderion.
-> UPDATE (smallish) for Star Wars, which now features the CIS Supply Sphere.
-> UPDATE for Star Blazers, whcih now features two Gamilan and 3 EDF ships.
-> UPDATE for Halo, which now features the Forerunner Keyship.
-> UPDATE for Robotech/Macross, which now features a few more MAcross 7 ships, such as the Meltrandi.

-> NEW: Freespace! Shivans, Vasudans, Terrans, New Terrans!
-> NEW: Dune! Thanks to Euderion, I finally got a model fo a Heighliner and could add this series. Also: Harkonnen and Guild Frigate, Emperor's own frigate
-> New: Transformers! The Nemesis and the Axiom. Sizes are soemwhat guesstiamtes. I'm happy I found useful images at all, though, and size in Transformers is ... well.
-> NEW: Ulysses 31! One of these little shows I remember from saturday morning toons in my childhood. Model courtesy of JamesMargerum, visit his gallery for a larger version that does this nice design a lot more justice at… .
-> NEW: Starfox! The Great Fox ship.
-> NEW: Toho Kaiju Movies. Because there's more madness there than Godzilla, Motha and Megalon!
-> NEW: The Hithhiker's Guide To The Galaxy! Much demanded, this adds the HEart of Gold and the Titanic 2 to the chart. If anyone has a definite source on the size of a Constructor, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Thanks!
-> NEW: Sol Bianca! More space pirates!
-> NEW: Freelancer - also sorely missed by many.
-> NEW: X³! Lots of pretty sizable ships here.
-> NEW: Monsters vs. Aliens! It's massive, that ship.

And that's it for now. Enjoy the new-and-improved chart!

Another Update! Look!

This has some stuff that has been much demanded. Most notably: Mass Effect! Sorry, but I only found low-resolution images for the crucible; hence, it did not make it. If anyone has a high-res image, link it please, and I'll see if it can go in in another update. Also, since I haven't said so before: Credits for the Musashi, Trafalgar and Phoenix models go to Annihilator102 and the Sins of the Prophets team.

Other new stuff:
- Spaceball One
- The Black Hole's USS Cygnus
- 2001's Discovery One (it's actually tiny on the chart, though)
- 2010's Cosmonaut Leonov (not so tiny, size taken from official blueprints)
- Stargate:Destiny's Destiny and the Stargate:Atlantis' Atlantis (also the Replicator ships); size from this chart:…
- The Honorverse! Lots of Manticoran and Havenite ships, based on 's work.
- Avatar's ISV VentureStar
- other small stuff I surely have forgotten to mention. It's 4 am here. I'm kind of tired.

Much still to do, but my next project will not be more ships, but vectorized text for all those who want this chart as a poster.

New Update! And thanks to the folks who featured my work!

Newly featured:
Wall-E (Axiom, Zephyrus and Epiglottus city ships, based on the size calculation here:… )
Dead Space (sizes mostly based on Dead Space Wikia and conjecture)
Star Citizen (Size based on the Star Citizen Wiki)
Galaxy Quest (Sizes taken from a Chart compiled by Dan Carlson, who inspired me for this chart)
Space: Above and Beyond (Sizes taken from a Chart compiled by Dan Carlson, who inspired me for this chart)
BattleTech (several Inner Sphere and Clan ships; based on )
Wing Commander (Sizes mostly via )
StarCraft (Sizes and ship images taken from: )
Homeworld (based on conjecture, the Homeworld wiki which has everything except sizes, and a few fanmade charts)
Close Encounter (image via Smithonian; size conjecture based on film clips)
District 9 (Image internet; size wikipedia)

Added to existing listings:
Romulan Mining Ship, USS Odyssey, and USS Vengeance (Dreadnaught-class) for Star Trek

I realise this is again no Mass Effect. I am having serious trouble finding both usable art (side views, as untilted as possible - some compromise is doable, but not too much that the shape of the ship ends up distorted). If anyone has either an artbook or images that work, PLEASE let me knoe (via note, since comments have gotten a tad overwhelming). Same with the Hitchhiker's - anyone got something solid on the Heart of Gold and the Vogon ship?

Also, by popular demand: the Tardis is already on the image. Whether it's on the Red Dwarf and .25 pixels large or ALL ofthe image is your choice, it's probably both, anyway. ;)

Anyway, this is not the final update. Dune still needs to be done, a couple other stuff, and maybe I can finally find some useful Mass Effect stuff. It IS sorely missing. I am very aware of that!

For the sake of usability, I am experimenting with coloured backgrounds (muted, not to take away from the ships) for easier finding of the ship you are loking for.


This is a sorely needed update to my size comparison tables. For 40K, I now used the updated Rogue Trader sizes where applicable, resulting in much larger 40K vessels. Also, no battleships are present because there simply is no canonic size available on them. I kept s Eternal Crusader in (at 10 km length, because I figure it is close enough to the Vengeful Spirit, which has a given size), and the Malleus Syndicate's (… fantastic civilian ships because I just like them. Most ships, though, are Rogue Trader vessels. And yes, it's still mostly Imperium. Ork ships, Eldar Ships and the likes may be added in the future though.

Edit 4: The next Update! The chart now features the following series, universes and tabletop games:
Star Wars (Expanded universe, G-Canon whereever possible)
Star Trek (official stats)
Stargate (official stats)
EVE Online
Warhammer 40.000
Babylon 5
Battlestar Galactica (both series)
Titan A.E.
Legend of Galactic Heroes
Starship Troopers (TV and Movie)
Aliens vs. Predator universe
Lexx - The Dark Zone
Red Dwarf
Event Horizon
The Irresponsible Captain Tyler
Martial Successor Nadesico
Space Pirate Captain Haarlock
Silent Running
Independence Day

Slated for the next update: District 9, Battletech universe, maybe more Macross, more classic sci-fi movies. Recommendations welcome!

Edit 3: Yeah, so that last edit: I lied. Here's a new chart.

This chart now covers: Warhammer 40.000, Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Starship Troopers, V, Halo, EVE online, Titan A.E. and Robotech. It'S ... a lot of starships, to scale as best as I could find out the relevant scales. I used various online sources - specific wiki, other size comparison charts (especially Jeff Russell's and Dan carlson's), and other fanmade sites. Sometimes there were conflicting measurements, and I had to make a choice (I usually picked the larger one). Star Wars fans: I go with G-Canon, if in doubt. Yes, I liked Westwood games too. It's not canon anymore. There's worse things.

Edit 2: This is the last edit on this, I promise. It's a massive update though, including more ships from Star Wars, as I finally found decent images of a Souvereign! New stuff includes a few extra ridiculous ones (eh, torpedo egg?), more superdestroyers, some wacky superweapons, and a TON of all-new ships from Battlestar Galactica, EVE online, Halo and Stargate.

Edit: Added Chaos warships. Overlooked these before in Battlefleet Koronus. And Eldar, Ork, Rak'Gol and Kroot. More to come, maybe, if new supplements add new ships.

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4268x5690px 4.49 MB
© 2013 - 2025 DirkLoechel
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So cool! Add the [Destiny] from bungie pleeeeease:love: