Palace of the Corsairs, HaradDireImpulse on DeviantArt

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Palace of the Corsairs, Harad



The palace in the city of Umbar, originally built by the Numenoreans, it fell through the hands of many peoples until at last the Haradrim claimed it as their own. I enjoyed exploring what Numenorean architecture might have looked like influenced by a desert environment and before their style evolved into what we're familiar with in Gondor. 

I created a very basic 3D model for use as an underlay/guide to ensure accurate perspective as this is the most complex architectural piece I have ever tackled.

Textures from CGTextures.

Click here to view the rest in this series of concepts: 

thanks for the palm tree brush

thanks for the cracks brushes

thanks for the base brushes for my soldiers :)

Image size
4961x3508px 12.74 MB
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