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Wendy's Dipping Sauce! :D
Years Ago
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Honestly people, I am getting really tired of you constantly adding pics that have nothing to do with DipperXWendy. Someone just recently added a picture that was more BillXDipper than anything else! DX

If this Group gets one more picture that has nothing to do with DipperXWendy then I'm going to start being extra picky and even remove a bunch of single-character pictures that don't relate towards DipperXWendy!

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Dipper's chance

5 min read
On one summer afternoon,Dipper and Mabel were sitting in their bedroom thinking about what they should do for the day.

Mabel:Dipper,Maybe we should play Duck,Duck,Goose!

Dipper:Nah,Maybe I could share some thought and theory's about 3 and the...

Mabel:NOOOOO!!! I'm kinda tired of solving mysteries this week.

The twin kept think about what to do,until they heard a knock on the door.

Dipper:Who is it?

Wendy:It's me Wendy!

Dipper:Mabel!do I look good in this?(showing Mabel his original clothing)

Mabel:You look the SAME! Let her in!

Wendy came in and took a seat next to Dipper.Then,Dipper started sweating like crazy.

Wendy:Hey dude,are you okay?Your sweating like crazy.

Dipper: I-I-I'm f-fine.P-please s-sit d-down.

Wendy Dude I'm already sitting down.Are you sure your okay?

Dipper:I'm S-sure I'm f-f-fine.

Wendy looked confused as Dipper went downstairs to get a snack.

Wendy:Why is Dipper acting so strange once I came in?

Mabel:He's always strange like that! CHANGE OF TOPIC! Hey Wendy can you help us figure out what to do today,,We're bored!

Wendy:Hey,me and my friends were going to hang out at Tambry's house tonight.Wanna join us?

Mabel: Of course!!

'Dipper came back with a bottle of water.When he heard Mabel and his Crush talking,he couldn''t wait but run upstairs.

Dipper:What's all the talking about?

Mabel:We finally have something to do today Dipper!Wendy and her friends are going to hang out at Tambry's place.We're going too!

Dipper:Is Robbie coming with us?

Wendy:Apperently no.Eventully he hasn't called any of us since we broke-up.

(BTW this story is after Boyz Crazy XD)

Dipper:Wendy,are you mad at me about that moment?

Wendy:Nah man,don't worry about that.Your totally forgiven.(Flashing a smile at Dipper)

Dipper:*blushing* Well I'm still sorry about it.

It eventually turn noon and the twins were at the Diner having lunch.Unexpectedly,Grunkle Stan went to talk to Lazy Susan for a LONG time.This was time to tell Mabel what he thought about the party.

Dipper:Mabel,Do you think I act weird around Wendy?

Mabel:You don't act weird!You act VERY weird around Wendy.

Dipper:I don't know.She just puts me in La-La Land when she's near me.Do you even think I have a chance with her?

Mabel:(gasp!)Don't you ever say that about yourself!Remember I didn't even think I had a chance with Mermando,Then all of a sudden,He kissed me!On the lips!

Dipper:Well Mabel,it because Mermando has 17 hearts.He has more feelings and he just needed to kiss you before he left forever!

Mabel:Hey!Maybe you could do that to Wendy!

Dipper:What?Give her 17 heart for she can kiss me?!Mabel<yes that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Mabel:No,I meant that you should kiss her unexpectedly!

Dipper:What! No! That's Impossible!

Mabel:Then how did Mermando do it?

Dipper rolled his eyes.

It turn dark and Wendy was going to pick up the twins.Dipper was getting ready,even though he was wearing the same clothes.

Mabel:Dipper,should I use the Moon sweater or the Flower sweater?

Dipper:Either one.

Mabel Okay,I'll pick the flower sweater.

Dipper:I really like Wendy alot Mabel.What should I do!? We leave Gravity Falls next week and I want her to remember me.

Mabel:Just be you Dip.

Once they made it to Tambry's place,Dipper suddenly wanted to leave.

Dipper:Mabel,let's go.

Mabel:What!No you leave if you want.

Dipper:Fine I will!

A week later,Mabel was still mad at Dipper for just leaving like that.

Mabel:I wanted you to kiss Wendy Dipper!!!

Dipper:Mabel,I won't do it in front of people I barely know!

Dipper called Wendy for her to come over,she said yes and that she'd go over there in 15 mins.

Wendy:Sup bro!Sorry I didn't say bye since your leaving today.

Dipper:No worries.

Dipper was finally ready to tell Wendy his feelings.

Here goes nothing....

Dipper:       I remember June

Back when I met you

Your eyes were green

And we were too

But my summer is over

I have a HUGE crush on you Wendy,But since I'm leaving.I can't do anything what my hea.....

Wendy leaned over and kissed him! It lasted about 10 seconds.Then,Wendy leaned back.

Wendy:Next summer Dipper

She whispered in his ear.

As Dipper waved goodbye to everyone in the car driving away,He had to waved bye at Wendy.

Mabel:Next Summer Dip

Dipper:.....Next Summer.....

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Okay guys, there's been a lot of additions to the Group that I had to remove because they had nothing to do with DipperXWendy. Here are the rules for picking pictures and stories that relate to the Group:

1. Has to have at least Dipper or Wendy or both.

2. No Wendy with other characters (besides Dipper) unless it's shown that they're talking about Dipper, and no Dipper with other characters (besides Wendy) unless it's shown that they're talking about Wendy (or, in the case of Robbie and Dipper, fighting for Wendy). If it's both Wendy and Dipper with other characters then they should be together in some way (like walking together or sitting together on the couch or something).

3. When it comes to single pictures (only Wendy or only Dipper) basic drawings are okay, but if the drawing relates to an event it has to be a DipperXWendy sort of event. Ex: drawings of Dipper with his bow tie (Double Dipper) or lamb costume (The Inconveniencing) on are fine, but not ones of him in the loincloth (Dipper Vs Manliness) or the life vest (The Legend of the Gobblewonker).

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Hi everyone, just thought I'd let those who love my Finale stories know that I wrote a new addition to the series. The first chapter is up in my Gallery. It's not part of the Group because Dipper and Wendy only make cameos (the previous stories that didn't really have DipperXWendy in it were only put in the Group because they're referred to later on. I wanted to avoid confusion). The main character of my story is Robbie.

Also, there will be some oneshots and at least one more chapter story coming up (unless the chapter story turns out to be a oneshot). Some are DipperXWendy, but others are BarnabyXMabel. The BarnabyXMabel ones won't be part of this Group, but you will be able to find them in my Gallery in the far future.

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2 min read
Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for not updating on my A Piney Movie Fanfic.

I haven't really been feeling up to par, and my writing muse for it just seemed to have not been not working for me at the moment. There is also me being preoccupied with other things and busy with some other stuffs that kept me occupied for while.

Also I haven't been feeling all to great recently. Depression and anxiety has gotten to me quite a bit and i've been having really bad migraines...like I have right now. I feel like I want to pass out...i'm so dizzy.

So I am gonna go take something and flop onto the couch for a bit. But I just wanted everyone to know why it's been awhile since I updated. I will TRY and get back to it soon.

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Wendip Week 2020 by DipperxWendy, journal

Birthday by DipperxWendy, journal

Getting Really Tired of This.... by DipperxWendy, journal

Dipper's chance by DipperxWendy, journal

Picking DipperXWendy Pictures by DipperxWendy, journal