I live in Zurich, Switzerland. I'm from Greece and I used to be the Benjamin of the IT team, here on deviantART, being the youngest member among us. I mainly worked with the amazing pachunka, mccann, micahgoulart, chris, and of course starvingartist, our design freak. Between 2006 and 2008, we build together what deviantART is today, delivering version 5 of the site. It was an exciting time!
I am now a senior retired member of the deviantART Devious Technology team. During my participation in developing deviantART, I have worked in building the back-end systems, the gears that drive the wheels of what you see and use as a deviantART user. I hope I played my part in helping deviantART become what it is today, while building great technology and learning in the process.
Current Residence: Zurich, Switzerland
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Print preference: Any
Favourite photographer: NikosAlpha
Favourite style of art: Digital Art
Operating System: OSX
Shell of choice: zsh
Favourite cartoon character: Kyle from Southpark
Personal Quote: Disce quasi semper victurus, vive quasi cras moriturus.