DinoDragoZilla17's avatar


Total Epidexipteryx of the Heart
418 Watchers838 Deviations


AoK Hidden Hollow concepts 2


838 deviations
AoK Hidden Hollow concepts 2


838 deviations
Lords of the Lujan

Prehistoric life

244 deviations
Project Primordial: Parasaurolophus

Project Primordial

56 deviations
Project Primordial NON-CANON: Bat walk

Project Primordial NON-CANON

1 deviation

Prehistory Zoo Part 12

Oligocene USA You dodge the Hyracodon, and though you leap right into the herd they soon scatter. You what the honk of a Jeep’s horn and realise that it’s over. You’ve collected as many creatures as you need ——— Present day ??? You drive back into the Prehistory Zoo. It’s a beautiful sunny day. The new arrivals have settled in well. You pass by the Paracrax, already showing signs of wanting to start a new family. Then the three Archaeotherium, the Runt separated from his rowdy partners in crime due to their regular abuse of him. Then the Hyaenodon, basking in the sun in her enclosure and giving a lazy yawn. And finally the mixed herd of Protoceras and Hyracodon, feasting on their enclosure’s grass. You park your car and prepare to head into your office. However, just before you go on you hear an overjoyed child exclaiming his love of the rescued prehistoric animals. And how he’d want to see a living dinosaur soon too. You grin wildly. It’s time for your next adventure...

Prehistory Zoo

12 deviations
What are these bugs?

Modern animals

7 deviations
Gorgo vs Konga

Fan Art

21 deviations
Party time!

Commissions, art trades and competitions

28 deviations
Human practice strikes back!

Human practice

6 deviations
The Morrigan

Mythology and other monsters

17 deviations
Age of Kaiju: Godzilla

Age of Kaiju

337 deviations
Kaiju Elseworlds: King Kong 1893

Kaiju Elseworlds

6 deviations

Carnivores: Beachcombers 2

Hey, everyone! I decided to do a second Beachcombers mod idea set in the Arctic Sector, as there are a surprising number of semi-aquatic Cenozoic animals. Sorry for how long this took to release, I had to do a fair bit of research (more than I expected) and scraped the bottom of the barrel when it came to interesting creatures. No DLC animals yet as I wanted to finally post this. Hope you guys like this! Synopsis: This game would use the Carnivores 2 engine. After the success of their previous coastal tour, DinoHuntCorp have decided to open up the Arctic Sector’s frigid coastline for hunters to stalk new prey on. Inhabited by equally strange and dangerous quarry, these icy shores can be treacherous to those who hunt upon them, and are stalked by a monstrous apex predator… Menu picture: The hunter fighting a Pakicetus underwater with a knife right below a sheet of ice, with the shadow of a Tyrant Polar Bear just above the combatants… Starting points: 50. Trophy room: Same as the

Carnivores mod ideas

6 deviations
Smaugust Day 1-Fire

Smaugust 2019

30 deviations
King of Kings: Godzilla

Godzilla: King of Kings SCRAPPED PROJECT

7 deviations
KCU: Adult Iris


62 deviations
GDotE: Gamera

Gamera: Defender of the Earth DISCONTINUED

34 deviations
The Superlative Spider-Man: Spider-Man (Main Suit)

The Superlative Spider-Man DISCONTINUED

16 deviations
Marvel Universe: Graviton

Marvel Universe DISCONTINUED

9 deviations
Cryptids: Hypocrisy


11 deviations