DinoBirdMan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dinobirdman/art/Dracomoloch-casuarius-759893782DinoBirdMan

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Dracomoloch casuarius



And the final request for speculative dinosaur design fav.me/dcjbo7r by Rexander134 is speculated hadrosaurid Dracomoloch casuarius.

Dracomoloch casuarius or "Cassowary Dragon Demon" is the latest Kritosaurini hadrosaurid ornithopod dinosaur of the Neo-mesozoic. The specie is referred as "Cassowary" because it came from snout-creat on Dracomoloch's nostril.

Based on skeletal design "Gryposaurus" by Scott Hartman. Also, this specie is also based on skin impressions of not just any hadrosaurs with scaly impression, but a basal ceratopsian Psittacosaurus sp nickname "SMF R 4970" with both countershaded and a skin folds called "Patagium" that ached to hind legs and tail, as suggest to shared possibly skin impressions of other Cerapoda as it could ran.
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Rexander134's avatar
Oh my god, I LOVE THIS HADROSAUR!!! :squee: