Microsoft ZUNE PSDDigitalPhenom on DeviantArt

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Microsoft ZUNE PSD



Full psd file of the Microsoft ZUNE.
Display is half the size as the regular file.

Make a wallpaper with it?!?!
Make a fancy advert with it?!?!?!
Use it to display a ZUNE wallpaper.
Dont use it all?!?!?
Study the layers and make your own?!?!?
Just sit and stare at its magnificent beauty?!?! get the idea....its something with it.

Reference picture [link]

As you can see its not the same as this pic...But I own a ZUNE and this pic is not accurate either...So I changed it up a bit.

Both Zunes are the same with only the change of the wallpaper. Each Zune is 26 Layers. Very Detailed.

And if you use it...please let me now so I can see it and give credit in your description.

Thank you.
DP Studios

Zune and its logo, the Microsoft name and its logo are all protected under some kinda copyright law...
so in other words...don't download this and try to make money from it...Bill will get super pissed. :lol:
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