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Grunge Awareness Ribbon Shape



I made this custom shape for one of the breast cancer t shirts I was doing and decided to give it away. I hope this comes in handy for someone.

Its a grunge style ribbon. It does not have to be used for breast cancer, its a shape... therefor you can use it for whatever and color it how ever.

Dont know how to use or load shapes into photoshop??

Check this out right here [link]

I have pretty much given up hope on asking for a link back...because I know most of you wont...but if you could that would be sweet. I would appreciate it. It helps others find things and also its a nice gesture.

Thank you for your view and enjoy.

Steven Housden
DP Studios
© 2010 - 2024 DigitalPhenom
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AnnieO2's avatar

Thank you for making this. It has been so hard to find any ribbons other than breast cancer. It will work perfect for my Relay For Life team