Complementary Colour SwatchesDigitalPhenom on DeviantArt

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February 5, 2009
As digital artists and designers it is sometime difficult to mix and match that perfect color scheme and have them conveniently available before you. Complementary Colour Swatches by `DigitalPhenom are a excellent series of well thought out color swatches that are easy to utilize directly from your swatch palette. Thank you for sharing.
Featured by znow-white
DigitalPhenom's avatar

Complementary Colour Swatches



Yay! More Free Shit From DP!!1!

Complementary Colour Swatches PART II Can be Found right over there------->>
and PART 3 --->>

Check out all of my Designers Resources here. Full of Photoshop Goodness!

.zip Includes a jpg Preview, the original psd file and all of the .ACO (photoshop colour swatch) files.

How the hell do I install a colour swatch in photoshop???

Read carefully.

1. unzip the files.
2. Open C/program files/adobe/photoshop(your version)/presets/colorswatches.
or Mac users open Macintosh HD/Applications/Adobe Photoshop (your version)/Presets/Color Swatches Thanks ~edmunn
Drag and drop the .ACO files in this folder. Close the folder.
3. open photoshop
4. If you cant see your color swatch pallate on the right go to the top of photoshop and click Window then swatches. you should now see your swatches.
5. click on the little drop down arrow on the top right of your color swatch menu. then click on replace swatches.
6. choose one of the color swatches you just unziped and it will load.
7. you can use your eye drop tool to sample the colors.

BAM THATS IT! Whew! :dohtwo::horns:

Thank dp for all the free shit! :XD:

Have Fun!
DP Studios

Edit Feb 5 09
What a wonderful surprise to get a DD for this resource!
A huge THANK YOU to `znow-whitefor the kind words and the feature. :icondweebdanceplz:
And thank you to YOU for checking it out and all the great feedback. :dohtwo::horns:
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carinea2's avatar

So GOOD choices! Thanks 🎨🌈