Huge fan, your work is so beautiful and unique. Right when I see something of yours I know immediately. i did get a couple things from you on Etsy, now on Creative Fabrica. Hella nice job!!
Love your digital papers! I just bought your big Fairy megapack (and had issues downloading it). This is me on DA and I'll be referencing you a lot in upcoming submissions.
Your stuff is so beautiful! If you accepted Points as payment I'd get SO MANY, but unfortunately I can't buy your stuff as it is because it's way too expensive for me (especially since it's in dollars). Still, I'll keep watching because it's ALL SO PRETTY.
Man, I know this seems stupid, but do you have a subscribe-able service? I make reference sheets and all kinds of badges and cute art and your content is literally some of the best kinds of "decorations" and finishing touches to almost everything. I make "pretty crap", but with a pattern or texture or boarder that's "juuuuuuuust riiiight" suddenly everything can just fall right into place and feel that much more complete than it might have before. If I attempted to buy everything from you I needed I would be all too poor to even start. BUt a patreon where I could use so much stuff a month for a base fee would be hella rad for incredible content creators like you who boast massive galleries like yours. :"D!
Either way, please know your content is stunning in every aspect and I really admire what you do. Folks like you are my bread and butter sometimes and without ya'll I dunno what the heck I'd ever do.
10/10 would support a mazillion times a week if I wasn't always on the threshold.