dierat on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dierat/art/Hair-and-Fur-Brush-Set-348333064dierat

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dierat's avatar

Hair and Fur Brush Set



This is a set of 12 brushes for painting hair and fur in Photoshop. Made in Photoshop CS2.

The brushes are organized thin to thick - so the first few are more for detail work and the later ones are better for blocking in rough shapes. The last four have scattering turned on for a rougher texture.

You can download the images used to make them here:
Hair and Fur Brush Set - images by dierat


:bulletblue: Use as you please, wherever you please.
:bulletblue: You don't need to credit me, link back to me, or fave this dev to use.

More resources: dierat.deviantart.com/gallery/…

Other custom Photoshop brushes:
Foliage Brush Set by dierat My Painty Paint Brush Set by dierat
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Thank yu so much, sweety